A Minnesota Schools Tour – Spring ’25

The wonderful, 3,000 mile InnerTuba Mississippi River Tour ’23 ended in Minnesota,USA. The welcome from the entire community there was huge – from schools, bands, arts centres, assisted living centres, house hosts, the press and broadcast media, even a bike shop for an emergency repair ! InnerTuba loves Minnesota, and wants to go back there ….

I met and engaged with many Minnesotan Music Educators, and I’m now teaming up with some of them to find the $7,000 funding needed for InnerTuba to tour to Minnesota Schools.

We propose the tour be standalone, meaning InnerTuba will travel to Minnesota, tour a circular route there, then pack up and return home to Scotland.

$7,000 will cover expenses, and make it happen. This figure falls well within the reimbursement of expenses rules which apply to my B2 US Visitor Visa status.

The tour will be 6 weeks long, and should fall between mid April and end of May ’25. In that time, InnerTuba can pedal to and perform circa 40 individual performances to Pre schools and Elememtary Schools (general population), Middle and High Schools (mostly band classes). Additionally, Interest in InnerTuba visits has been expressed by teachers who work in schools on Native American Reservations.

We could easily schedule in press and broadcast media exposure too, similar to this August ’23 feature from Minnesota Public Radio:

And finally, thanks to St Philip’s Catholic School, Bemidji, Minnesota, for taking these really fun videos back in September ’23……

Here InnerTuba is delighted to be co – presenting with ICE Trike rider, trumpet player and musical director Nick Whte, at St Philip’s Catholic School, Bemidji, Minnesota.

Please Contact InnerTuba today with your ideas on how this tour can get the go ahead support it needs !