Midwest USA Tour ’19
Enjoy this feature on “Living Local”, filmed at and broadcast from WHBF-TV Studios in Rock Island, Illinois, in August 2019……
Between mid July and the end of August 2019, InnerTuba travelled the highways and by ways of some North American MidWest States. I was mostly in Iowa, and also went to Illinois and Minnesota. This tour was made possible thanks to InnerTuba’s generous practical and financial supporters.
There were many tour highlights. I am perhaps most proud of having completed RAGBRAI – the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa….

RAGBRAI XLVII: July 21-27, 2019
Riding an ICE Adventure HD and towing a bespoke trailer especially built for international InnerTuba touring – and cost effective air freighting between tours – I delivered InnerTuba performances throughout Iowa, and in Illinois and Minnesota…..