In Community Settings

This new page, started since the completion of the InnerTuba Mississippi River Tour ’23 is very much at build stage. If you have photos, videos and comments you would like to appear here – please get in touch. During this tour, InnerTuba gave well over 100 performances in community settings.

Following on from that, you’re invited to support the proposed InnerTuba Tour ’24 – From Midwest to NorthWest USA…. You can donate here to help turn the tour from an idea to a reality.

Throughout the InnerTuba’s history, performances and presentations in all kinds of community settings have been a central feature of touring……

Over the years shows have developed, and there is now significant cross over between House Concerts and indoor performances in other community settings such as Assisted Living Centres and Nursing homes for older people, Public Libraries, Centres for adults with learning and physical disabilities, Memory Care Units, Village Halls, Cafes, Pre School Groups, US National and State Park Visitor Centres and so on.

We had entertainment all the way from Scotland!!! Jon InnerTuba was amazing and one of the friendliest men you will ever meet. Look him up on Facebook or Youtube. He is traveling on his trike and going across the souther states. He is peddling 3,ooo miles in 150 days! Thank you so much Jon the staff and residents loved hearing you play the tuba and tell your story”. Magnolia Place Assisted Living Centre. Waverly, Tennessee, USA.

…. And have a look at this splendid write up, following a presentation to the musicians of Baybeat StreetBand – – NW England, April ’22